Pastor Tim | Oct 31
1 John 2:28 – 3:10
In this 2nd of a 2 part message John identifies who is in the family – adopted by God. The family members are identified by living obedient lives, understanding why sin is wrong.
In The Family
Pastor Tim | Oct 24
1 John 2:28 – 3:10
In this first of a 2 part message John identifies who is in the family – adopted by God. The family members are identified by living authentic lives through confessing sin and by the love God has making us His children.
Dealing with Deceivers
Pastor Tim | Oct 3
1 John 2:18-27
John has a lot to say in this passage about false teachers that deceive believers. During this teaching we learn to recognize and avoid false teaching.
We’re at War
Pastor Tim | Sept 26
1 John 2:15-17
In this passage John writes to warn us about the war we fight with worldliness. In this war we choose if we will love the world or the Father. John warns us if we choose the world – it can’t provide you what it promises and what it does give you will not last.
Assurance of the Believer Part 2
Pastor Tim | Sept 19
1 John 2:7-14
We continue in this message to look at the 3 principles of assurance of our salvation. Having looked at obedience last week we turn our attention to love others and grow in knowledge of God.
Assurance of the Believer
Pastor Tim | Sept 12
1 John 2:1-6
John begins to uncover the reason for writing his letter in these verses. In the first of 2 messages we see we have assurance because Jesus defends us before the Father. We then see 3 principles of assurance of our salvation in verses 3-17. This messages covers our life is marked by obedience.
God’s Light and Our Darkness
Pastor Tim | Sept 5
1 John 1:5-10
In these concluding verses of chapter 1, John describes God as Light. In the same way light eliminates darkness, God the Light exposes darkness. As a result of our relationship as believers with the Light, we are called to walk in the Light. This passages teaches us how to do so.
Jesus Is Real
Pastor Tim | Aug 29
1 John 1:1-4
The Apostle John opens this epistle describing how he knew Jesus. Today, though we cannot see the physical Jesus, we are able to have a relationship with the real Jesus. It is also necessary for those who have a relationship with Jesus to share it with others.