Archives: Sermon

Give Thanks

Pastor Tim Shaw | November 22, 2020
Give Thanks | Psalm 100
This psalm is known as the Thanksgiving Psalm, In few verses the psalmist teaches us how and why we give thanks.

Crossing the Finish Line Part 1

Pastor Tim | March 7
2 Timothy 4:1-5
In the final chapter of this letter we find the final words the Apostle Paul wrote just prior to his execution. In this chapter we find three ingredients needed in our lives to cross the finish line well. In this first part Paul teaches to cross the finish line well we must proclaim God’s Word.

Don’t Stop Now

Pastor Tim | February 28
2 Timothy 3:10-17
In this passage Paul exhorts Timothy to not stop persevering in his faith. Paul uses himself as an example of one who is persevering which shows us we can look to the perseverance of other as an encouragement to us. We are also exhorted to not be surprised when suffering happens because it will happen. Lastly Paul shares that the strength and energy to persevere comes directly from being in God’s Word.

Be Prepared to Persevere

Pastor Tim | February 21
2 Timothy 3:1-9
In this passage Paul gives a stern warning about being prepared to persevere. We must be careful not to allow ourselves to fall into spiritual decline. Instead recognize spiritual decline and deal with it in your life so you are able to persevere.

Character Traits of Those Who Persevere

Pastor Tim | February 14
2 Timothy 2:14-26
In these verses, Paul moves from teaching on how to persevere to the character traits that are found in those who persevere. We learn from this passage about being a good workman that is a clean vessel and a humble servant.

How to Persevere Part 2

Pastor Tim | January 24
2 Timothy 2:8-13
This week we finish our study on How to Persevere looking at verses 8-13. Paul highlights in order to persevere we need to remember Christ, the one for whom we persevere, endure the hardships we encounter, and to rest in the promises God gives us that He is ultimately faithful in our times of faithlessness.

How to Persevere Part 1

Pastor Tim | January 17
2 Timothy 2:1-7
In Chapter 2, Paul moves from offering encouragement in the midst of persevering to actually telling us how to persevere. In these first 7 verses, Paul highlights the necessity of identifying areas in your life that drain the power to persevere and correcting those in your life.