Result of Redemption
Pastor Tim | July 25
Ruth 4:13-22
As our study of Ruth comes to a conclusion, we see God at work through His redeeming love. We notice two ways God accomplishes His far-reaching purposes. We end seeing that God provides the Messiah to save sinners.
Romance of Redemption
Pastor Tim | July 18
Ruth 4:1-12
From these first verses in Ruth chapter 4 we see the story of God’s redeeming love come to a close. In this passage we see how wonderful Boaz’s redemption of Ruth is. This helps us understand and develop a deeper appreciation of the depth of Christ’s redeeming love for us. Redemption is not as straight forward as it seems – there is a price to pay. The question is: Who will pay it?
Planning in the Midst of Providence
Pastor Tim | July 11
Ruth 3
How are we to live in response to God’s providence? Are we to sit back and just wait for things to happen as they happen? Our passage today shows that we are to do just the opposite. We are to be intentional and purposeful in our planning and then take action allowing God to direct our steps. We see Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz all doing this.
Pastor Tim | July 4
Ruth 2:14-23
In our passage today we learn Boaz is a potential redeemer for Naomi and Ruth. One who can purchase the land, marry Ruth, and provide a heir for the family inheritance. We observe may similarities between the redeemer Boaz and our Redeemer Jesus Christ.
Leave It To Chance
Pastor Tim | June 27
Ruth 2:1-13
Ruth chapter 2 we see everything begin to turn around for Naomi and Ruth. As we see the events unfold, the world would consider all the events as amazing coincidences. But what is really reavealed is the invisible hand of God in the midst of ordinary, everyday decisions.
Crossroads of Pain
Pastor Tim | June 20
Ruth 1:6-22
When we encounter difficult circumstances we actually come to a crossroads where we will make a decision how we respond to that difficult situation. We see three different responses by three different widows in our passage today. You will be able to identify with one of these responses or perhaps all three.