
Archives: Sermon

The Master Key

Pastor Tim | July 19
James 3:1-12
The opening verses of chapter 3 are some of the most convicting ones we’ve covered so far. James address our tongue which has enormous potential for harm. It is also the window to what is really in our hearts. But if controlled, it is the master key to control of every other aspect in our lives.

Two Wisdoms

Pastor Tim | July 26
James 3:13-18
In this section James describes two kinds of wisdom we have available to us: worldly wisdom and godly wisdom. As we walk through these verses we learn what godly wisdom is and how to know if we have it. We also learn the characteristics of world and godly wisdom.

Shooting the Saints Part 1

Pastor Tim | August 2
James 4:1-6
James gets to the real reason we have conflicts with one another. It isn’t what you may think. The reasons for our conflict, James show us, are internal within each of us. We also learn from James the devastating results of our conflicts.

Shooting the Saints Part 2

Pastor Tim | August 16
James 4:7-10
We continue looking at conflict in this message. Having learned the cause and the result of conflict and fighting, we now learn the solution to overcome conflict. In this passage, James rapid fires 10 imperatives directing us to deal with sin so we can draw near to Him, in humility submit to Him, after which we learn, He exalts us.

Dangers of Playing God

Pastor Tim | August 23
James 4:11-17
When we lack humility through faith, we can easily take on the role of playing God. Sometime we do that in our own lives when we walk through life ignoring God’s input in our direction. We also are prone to do it in the lives of others with a critical, judging, defaming attitude. James gets us to evaluate our lives to ensure we have a faith the works so as to not live like this.

Money Talks

Pastor Tim | September 6
James 5:1-6
In this passage James encourages us to take a look at how we handle our finances. Worldly wisdom tells us to get all we can get, use whatever means necessary to get it, and spend it on yourself. Godly wisdom has a much different approach to how we handle our finances. So, when money talks – what do you let it tell you?

Revenge Reflex

Pastor Tim | September 20
James 5:7-12
When we are wronged by someone or natural response is not normally one of grace but one of how can we get exact revenge. In this passage, James teaches us to be patient, establish our hearts, and to not complain by adjusting the focus of our thoughts when we are wronged.

Power of Prayer

Pastor Tim | September 27
James 5:13-20
In this final message from James we learn about how powerful prayer can be. Prayer in this context is prayer concerning restoring our brothers and sisters who are wandering from the faith. We are taught how to pray for them and to actively purse one who wanders and help brig them back.

Choose King Jesus to be Lord of Your Life

Pastor Tim | October 11
Zechariah 9
In this first sermon we look at the importance of the choice – Make King Jesus Lord of your life. This is the most important choice you will ever make and this is the choice upon which all the other choice hinge. Our text is Zechariah 9 which teaches us why Jesus is worthy to be our Lord.

Faith Over Fear

Pastor Tim | October 18
Psalm 56
Our choice this week deals with fear. From David’s prayer in Ps 56 we see that our way to overcome fear is to replace it with faith. We can follow David’s example on how to take our fear to God and give Him praise in the midst of fear.