Archives: Sermon

God In Pursuit

Pastor Tim | May 3
Jonah 1
In this opening message on Jonah we notice Jonah given a task by God. Jonah chose to rebel. Through this chapter we learn two important principles about our life when we choose to rebel.

Experiencing Revival

Pastor Tim | May 24
Jonah 3
After repenting, Jonah went to Nineveh as God had asked. A great awakening to God broke out in the city. We learn from this chapter what brings about personal revival in our lives.

How to Live in Despair

Pastor Tim | May 31
Jonah 4
Jonah was angry the city of Nineveh repented and God was merciful. This message looks at the steps Jonah took that led him into despair, which are the same we take, and how to prevent those from happening to us.

Trouble to Triumph

Pastor Tim | June 7
James 1:1-12
In these opening verses of James we see that life can be complicated by trials and difficult circumstances that God allows in our lives. James then shows us how to move from trouble to triumph by teaching us how we can hove joy in the midst of trials knowing the purpose is to make us Christ like.