
Archives: Sermon

God is Love

Pastor Tim | Jan 2
1 John 4:7-12
God is love! This begins the first of several passages John deals on the topic of love. In these verses he teaches us that not only is God love, but He also helps me love and shows me what true love looks like. He gave us His Son to pay the penalty of our sins. That is, He gave His life for us.

Mighty God

Jeff Smith | Dec 5
Isaiah 9:6
We serve a mighty God. He is the mighty God who not only brought creation, He is the mighty God who is intricately involved in His creation.

Wonderful Counselor

Pastor Tim | Nov 28
Isaiah 9:6 & Hebrews 4:15-16
The Messiah is our Wonderful Counselor. In order for the Counselor to work in your life, you must be willing to allow Him to speak into you life and then do what He commands.

A Discerning Spirit

Pastor Tim | Nov 21
1 John 4:1-6
In this day particularly, discernment is needed more than ever. In this passage John teaches us that not only is it needed, it is possible to have discernment. It is a matter of truth, truth that is contained in Scripture.

Send Your Guilt Trip Packing

Pastor Tim | Nov 14
1 John 3:19-24
Guilt is a major factor that leads one to doubt his salvation. In this passage, John shows us the reasons we experience doubt through our guilt and how to counterattack the doubts Satan throws our way.

How’s Your Love Life?

Pastor Tim | Nov 7
1 John 3:11-18
Our culture today wrongly defines and misunderstands what true love is. In this passage, John gives us five characteristics of true love teaching us how God defines love.