Tim Shaw | April 17
Awe of Easter
Psalm 22

Reflect God’s Grace Through Generosity
Tim Shaw | April 10
Exodus 20:15
The 8th Commandment tells us to not steal. The positive side of that command looks into our heart of generosity. When a Christ follower is generous, he displays God’s grace.

Marriage: God’s Faithfulness On Display
Tim Shaw | April 3
Exodus 20:14
We learn in looking at the 7th Command Do Not Commit Adultery that it not only deals with physical relationships outside of marriage but there is also a spiritual aspect in which all of us have committed adultery.

Life is from God
Tim Shaw | March 20
Exodus 20:13
The 6th Commandment do not murder finds its core in we are commanded to value human life. God who is the giver of life has also created mankind in His image. Therefore we value life not only by not committing physical murder, but also, as Jesus tells us, by not harboring anger or grudges toward another person. This is the same as murder.

Authority Begins in the Home
Tim Shaw | March 12
Exodus 20:12
The 5th Commandment is Honor your father and mother. This commandment is centered on honoring authority. We all have authority figures in our lives and those are placed there by God. So honoring or dishonoring authority is directly related to our honoring or dishonoring God.

Rest in God
Tim Shaw | March 6
Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15
In this 4th Commandment God commands us to work for six days and rest one day every week. The purpose is not only for our health taking physical rest, but also our spiritual health resting in our trust of God, His provision for us, and His redemption of us. This is a day we set aside to worship God.

Revere God
Tim Shaw | Feb 27
Exodus 20:7
The 3rd Commandment dealing with our relationship with God teaches us that God’s name is precious and every aspect of our lives, including our speech, is to bring honor to Him.

Worship the Right God the Right Way
Tim Shaw | Feb 20
Exodus 20:4-6
The 2nd Commandment dealing with our relationship to God prohibits defining God in our hearts as we want Him to be rather than worshipping who He has revealed Himself to be.

Only One God
Tim Shaw | Feb 13
Exodus 20:1-3
In the preamble to the 10 Commandments God revels who He is and what He did for His people. Therefore, God is worthy of our worship and nothing is to replace our worship of God.