Tim Shaw | March 12
Exodus 20:12
The 5th Commandment is Honor your father and mother. This commandment is centered on honoring authority. We all have authority figures in our lives and those are placed there by God. So honoring or dishonoring authority is directly related to our honoring or dishonoring God.
Rest in God
Tim Shaw | March 6
Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15
In this 4th Commandment God commands us to work for six days and rest one day every week. The purpose is not only for our health taking physical rest, but also our spiritual health resting in our trust of God, His provision for us, and His redemption of us. This is a day we set aside to worship God.
Revere God
Tim Shaw | Feb 27
Exodus 20:7
The 3rd Commandment dealing with our relationship with God teaches us that God’s name is precious and every aspect of our lives, including our speech, is to bring honor to Him.
Worship the Right God the Right Way
Tim Shaw | Feb 20
Exodus 20:4-6
The 2nd Commandment dealing with our relationship to God prohibits defining God in our hearts as we want Him to be rather than worshipping who He has revealed Himself to be.
Only One God
Tim Shaw | Feb 13
Exodus 20:1-3
In the preamble to the 10 Commandments God revels who He is and what He did for His people. Therefore, God is worthy of our worship and nothing is to replace our worship of God.
You Can Know Part 2
Pastor Tim | Feb 6
1 John 5:16-21
We come to the end of John’s letter in this message. John continues his discussion on what we can know as a result of being a genuine believer. We look at the remaining three things we can know for sure.
You Can Know
Pastor Tim | Jan 30
1 John 5:13-15
In the concluding paragraph of his letter, John reiterates several things that we can know as a result of being a genuine Christ follower. In this 1st part we will look at two things we can know for sure.
Family Birthmark Part 2
Pastor Tim | Jan 23
1 John 5:6-12
In this second part we take a look at the last part of John’s discussion on loving God and being an overcomer.
Family Birthmark
Pastor Tim | Jan 16
1 John 5:1-7
In this passage John describes love as a birthmark of being in the family of God. John’s argument is that we love God when we love others, we love God when we keep His commands. If we do that we are overcomes in this world!
Power of Love
Pastor Tim | Jan 9
1 John 4:13-21
Loving others as God loves us is not an easy thing to do. Loving our enemies seems impossible and even loving our brothers and sisters in Christ can be challenging. It is supernatural love. In this passage John unwraps the power of love that will make the invisible God visible to the world that so desperately needs Him.