Archives: Sermon

Qualifications of a Godly Leader

Tim Shaw | June 26
Titus 1:6-9
We move in our study from the roles and responsibilities of an elder to the qualifications of an elder. In this first part we examine the mandate from Scripture that the office of elder is reserved for men only and that he is to be above reproach. A summary statement used by Paul indication the elder is to live his life in a way that is worthy of imitating because he imitates Christ.

A Few Good Men

Tim Shaw | June 19
Titus 1:5
Paul now gets to the purpose for writing this letter – for Titus to put the church in order. Verses 5-9 focus on church leadership. In today’s teaching we look at the role of the office of elder.

A Faithful Christ Follower Part 1

Tim Shaw | May 29
Titus 1:1a
In the introduction of this letter to Titus, the Apostle Paul identifies himself as a slave and and apostle, the authority, which Titus and the church at Crete were under. We can learn from these identifying characteristics how we today are to be Christ’s slaves and we too are under that authority of Scripture.


Tim Shaw | May 15
Matthew 4:19
It can never be said enough the need for obedience in sharing the gospel. Netcasters is not a sermon but a call for our church to be on mission, for our church to have a culture of evangelism. As you listen you will hear about that vision and hear an explanation of being a fisher of men and why we have a fish net and fish with names on them on the wall in our worship center.