
Archives: Sermon

God, Do You Allow Sin to Go Unpunished?

Tim Shaw | October 2
Habakkuk 2:6-20
The question on the table today is God, if you are the God of perfect justice, and You see all these things happening in the world, are You going to do anything about it? In other words, does God allow sin to go unpunished?

God, Are You Fair?

Tim Shaw | September 25
Habakkuk 1:12-2:5
In the passage today we learn Habakkuk doesn’t approve of God’s plan to deal with the sins of Judah which cause Habakkuk to questions God’s decision making abilities. Our study today helps us change our incorrect perspective to the correct one – God’s. Practical thoughts are given on how we can allow God to change our perspective.

Warning Labels for Ministry

Tim Shaw | September 11
Titus 3:9-15
We come to the conclusion of this letter and we learn from the Apostle Paul there are times when ministry is tough. Specifically, sometimes church leadership is required to deal with divisive people who refuse to repent. Paul teaches Titus, and us today, how church leadership is to handle people if this occurs.