Archives: Sermon

Family Feud

Tim Shaw | February 12
Esther 2:19-3:15
We under in this passage that at the heart of what is going on in Esther is a battle not just between two families of Mordecai and Hama but the real battle is between Satan and the Jews whom he desires to eliminate.

Adore Only God

Tim Shaw | January 15
Esther 1:1-9
In these opening verses we learn that no matter what circumstances or difficulties we find ourselves in and no matter the practices of those in the culture in which we live, the Lord has tasked us to declare His greatness and not our own.

God’s Invisible Providence

Tim Shaw | January 8
Esther Introduction
In this opening study to Esther, we lay out an introduction and background. The main theme of Esther is God’s providence working behind the scenes of everyday life. Our goal in this study is not to be enamored with Esther but enamored with Esther’s God – our God!

The Illuminating Word

Tim Shaw | December 11
John 1:4-9
Today we cover verses 4-9 in our series on John 1:1-14. These verses remind us that Jesus, the Light of the world, has come and He has overcome the darkness.