Archives: Sermon

Breakthrough Prayer Introduction

Tim Shaw | April 23
Nehemiah 1:5-11
Today we being a series entitled Breakthrough Prayer. In our opening lesson we focus on questions about prayer – What is prayer? What should you ask yourself about your prayer life? How do I pray?

Moments Worth Remembering

Tim Shaw | April 2
Esther 9:20-10:3
We looked last week at the Jews experiencing relief and rest after the defeat of Haman’ edict. We also discovered that relief and rest were not ends in themselves but led to rejoicing, a celebration – a worship service. Today we see all this culminated in an act of remembrance.

Pleading For Others

Tim Shaw | March 19
Esther 8
Esther once again risks her life to plead to the king to save the Jewish people. We look at the elements of her plea and then what can we learn about it that applies to each of us.

Two Plans

Tim Shaw | February 26
Esther 5:1-14
Two plans are crafted in chapter 5. From one we learn how to be obedient and advance God’s purpose. From the other we learn that sometimes even unaware, our actions could hinder God’s purpose.

You Don’t Have the Right to Remain Silent

Tim Shaw | February 19
Esther 4:1-17
In Esther 4 Mordecai will challenge Esther to not be silent, to be the “somebody” to help meet the needs of her people, the Jews. God would preserve His people through Esther’s and Mordecai’s obedience. Today, our obedience is God’s ordinary means for accomplishing His extraordinary plans.