Tim Shaw | April 2
Esther 9:20-10:3
We looked last week at the Jews experiencing relief and rest after the defeat of Haman’ edict. We also discovered that relief and rest were not ends in themselves but led to rejoicing, a celebration – a worship service. Today we see all this culminated in an act of remembrance.
Tim Shaw | March 26
Esther 9:1-19
In the final scenes of Esther, we see God deliver His people from their enemies and grant them relief. We the see God’s people rejoicing and seeking to remember their great deliverance.
Tim Shaw | March 19
Esther 8
Esther once again risks her life to plead to the king to save the Jewish people. We look at the elements of her plea and then what can we learn about it that applies to each of us.
Tim Shaw | March 12
Esther 7
Many things that have been hidden are exposed to the king in this chapter of Esther. We will examine this by looking at what happens with each person mentioned in this chapter and we will conclude by looking at how this situation applies to us today.
Tim Shaw | February 19
Esther 4:1-17
In Esther 4 Mordecai will challenge Esther to not be silent, to be the “somebody” to help meet the needs of her people, the Jews. God would preserve His people through Esther’s and Mordecai’s obedience. Today, our obedience is God’s ordinary means for accomplishing His extraordinary plans.
Tim Shaw | February 12
Esther 2:19-3:15
We under in this passage that at the heart of what is going on in Esther is a battle not just between two families of Mordecai and Hama but the real battle is between Satan and the Jews whom he desires to eliminate.
Tim Shaw | February 5
Esther 2:12-18
We continue in chapter 2 today where the main point is in the midst of imperfect people, God still works His perfect plan. We focus on God’s perfect plan today.
Tim Shaw | January 29
Esther 2:1-11
We turn our attention to chapter 2 today where the main point is in the midst of imperfect people, God still works His perfect plan. We will focus on perfect people in this study.
Tim Shaw | January 22
Esther 1:1-10-22
As we continue in our study in Esther we see in this passage that God, shows His providence through Ahasuerus’ sinfulness and Vashti’s defiance which will open the door for Esther’s future reign.
Tim Shaw | January 15
Esther 1:1-9
In these opening verses we learn that no matter what circumstances or difficulties we find ourselves in and no matter the practices of those in the culture in which we live, the Lord has tasked us to declare His greatness and not our own.
Tim Shaw | January 8
Esther Introduction
In this opening study to Esther, we lay out an introduction and background. The main theme of Esther is God’s providence working behind the scenes of everyday life. Our goal in this study is not to be enamored with Esther but enamored with Esther’s God – our God!