Next Steps


Why membership?
The Christian life is not meant to be an isolated experience for individual Christians. Rather, the Bible teaches that the Christian life is a life lived together as the church—a local body of believers, the family of God, in covenant community. Church membership is our way of identifying and affirming who joins together in covenant community at Shenandoah Community Fellowship.

Shenandoah Community Fellowship has a three-step process for church membership.

1. Attend “Starting Point”
Starting Point is a class offered quarterly for anyone desiring to join the church. Families can learn about the mission and vision of Shenandoah Community Fellowship. You will have the opportunity to meet the pastoral staff and ask questions about the church and all areas of ministry.

2025 Starting Point dates: January 12, April 6, July 20, October 19

2. Visit with a pastor
As our church continues to grow, we desire for every member to have a personal relationship with one of the pastors on our staff. This visit is an informal time for new members to ask questions, share stories and get to know one of our pastoral staff.

3. Presentation to the church
After attending Starting Point and visiting with a pastor, member candidates are presented to the congregation at the conclusion of a worship service. After congregational affirmation of the desire for membership, the families are welcomed into Shenandoah Community Fellowship.


Baptism is a step of obedience that Jesus requires of his followers, as it displays the gospel and gives us an opportunity to publicly profess our faith in Jesus. In the act of baptism, we unite by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus our Lord. Baptism is for anyone who wants to profess Jesus as Lord. The Bible teaches that new Christians are baptized into a local community, so baptism is also connected to church membership.

We recommend that anyone interested in either baptism or membership attend Starting Point. In this class, we will discuss why baptism and membership are important. We will also discuss the responsibilities of church members.