What We Are About
Men of Shenandoah Community Fellowship, we are Commissioned! As men who have put their faith in Jesus Christ, we have been appointed to carry out specific orders and directions as declared in the Word of God. We have a mission!
We are Commissioned as Disciples of Christ, as Leaders in our Homes, as Servants in our Church and as Ambassadors to our World. The Mens’ Ministry of Shenandoah Community Fellowship seeks to equip and encourage men in these critical responsibilities.
What to Expect
Our Men’s Ministry is focused on bringing men together to fellowship, develop deeper relationships and encourage each other in our walk with God. Service projects, recreational activities and other events not only help deepen those connections with each other, but they also encourage us in our roles as men in the family, in the church and in our community.
If you have any questions, or are looking to help with any of these events, see any of those on the Commissioned Leadership Team (Jameson Cowgill, Jim Papson, Kolter Stroop, Nathan Strother, David Warren, Pastor Jeff). You can also email Pastor Jeff at jeff@scfwoodstock.com.